About Us

About Us

This website is part of the EnContextMedia family of web properties that is made up of two main entities, EnContext Advertising and OnwardClick, Inc.

While we partner with publishers and advertisers on our exchange OnwardClick.com ( www.onwardclick.com ) to enable CPC and CMP buying and selling of traffic, we offer other options with EnContext Advertising ( www.encontextadvertising.com ). These include CPA, CPL offers featuring, text, contextual links, rich media, video and any other options that an advertiser may want to explore.

Our company is based in the Bay Area in California and we aim to be nothing short of the best at what we do. EnContext Advertising bring to web and mobile users (pretty much everybody these days) contextual offers and content to enable you to search and find very quickly what you are looking for.

Finally, while we are a for profit enterprise, our goal is to deliver to visitors the most contextual offers and best possible experience when searching for something either on your desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile phone.

To that extent, via EnContext Advertising, we’ve pioneered a technique to deliver offers and content in most categories searched via over 25 specialized web properties. Each one of these websites is geared to service your needs in only the category that is relevant to your search, eliminating unwanted results. Why search through unrelated offers when you know what you want and simply need to get contextual offers, select the one that fits your needs, and get it.